2016-07-18 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Classification of three-dimensional Dirac semimetals |
2016-07-18 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Moire bands and electronic properties of graphene on hexagonal boron nitride |
2016-07-14 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering from correlated electron systems and unconventional High-Tc Superconductors |
2016-07-11 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Electronic Transport and Device Applications of 2D Materials |
2016-07-06 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Spinning electrons at a crossroads |
2016-07-04 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Computer Modelling as a Tool in Materials Science |
2016-06-30 |
清华物理系举办 |
Theory for Pseudogap States in Underdoped Cuprates |
2016-06-30 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Exploring spin dynamics of atomic-scale nanomagnets |
2016-06-29 |
清华物理系举办 |
Elementary Theory for High Tc Cuprates |
2016-06-28 |
清华物理系举办 |
Quantum Transport and Electron Interactions in Few-Layer Atomic Membranes |
2016-06-27 |
清华物理系举办 |
Electronic Structure and Effective Model for High Tc Copper Oxides |
2016-06-27 |
清华物理系举办 |
Theory of high temperature superconductivity of monolayer FeSe on the STO substrate and the transport theory of 2D superconductors |
2016-06-27 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Building Nanoscale Oxide Thin Films and Interfaces One Atomic Layer at a Time |
2016-06-22 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Novel properties of 5d transition metal compounds |
2016-06-15 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
The Kondo Effect – from Spin to Orbital Degrees of Freedom |
2016-06-08 |
清华物理系举办 |
Ac engineering of spin transfer torques in magnetic tunneling junctions |
2016-06-08 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Valleytronics in 2D semiconductors |
2016-06-08 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Topological conducting channels in bilayer graphene |
2016-06-07 |
清华物理系举办 |
全光纤量子光源及其在量子信息中的应用 |
2016-06-07 |
清华物理系举办 |
Interface-controlled materials for solar energy conversion: semiconducting nanocrystal-solids |