2014-02-20 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Classical and Quantum Effects in Cavity Optomechanics |
2014-02-17 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Nano-optomechanics in the high-frequency regime: exploration at the boundary between photonics, mechanics, and microwaves |
2014-01-16 |
清华物理系举办 |
Single-probe measurements from SDSS-III/BOSS DR11 CMASS and LOWZ anisotropic galaxy clustering |
2014-01-16 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Manipulating Majorana Zero Modes in Quantum Nanowires |
2014-01-13 |
清华物理系举办 |
Electric and thermal transport in graphene based nano devices |
2014-01-10 |
清华物理系举办 |
The density and velocity field of galaxies |
2014-01-10 |
清华高研院举办 |
Recent advances: Firewalls, Fuzzballs, pulsars. |
2014-01-09 |
清华物理系举办 |
Correlation, Entropy, Information, and Black Hole Information Loss Paradox |
2014-01-09 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Quantum transport of Dirac fermions in topological insulators and MoS2 |
2014-01-08 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
Optical nano-imaging of gate-tuneable graphene plasmons |
2014-01-07 |
清华物理系举办 |
Quantum-enhanced precision metrology: Evaluating resources |
2014-01-06 |
清华物理系举办 |
Probing the high density EOS of nuclear and neutron rich matter with relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions |
2014-01-06 |
北大565net必赢客户端举办 |
A microscopic picture of water and wetting at metal interfaces |
2014-01-06 |
清华高研院举办 |
Luttinger liquid effects in strongly correlated carbon nanotubes |
2014-01-03 |
清华高研院举办 |
Probing Extreme Physics with Compact Objects |
2014-01-02 |
清华物理系举办 |
Ground-based Detections of Thermal Emission from the Dense Hot Jupiter WASP-43b in the H and K_s Bands |
2014-01-02 |
清华物理系举办 |
真空中激光束缚和冷却微纳粒子及时空晶体 |
2013-12-27 |
清华高研院举办 |
Challenges to Quantum Mechanics: unitarity, entanglement, correlations, information loss. |
2013-12-27 |
清华物理系举办 |
OpenFOAM框架下的SPH方法 |
2013-12-27 |
清华物理系举办 |
光滑粒子流体动力学数值模拟 |